Drink Urine and Live Healthy Paperback

Drink Urine and Live Healthy Paperback

C. S. Rayudu
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A miraculous book?. Indispensable to disease-prone humanrace reeling under healing crisis. The easiest way to be healthy, deageing, longevity, figurechange, without disease, decay, death and to regain lost health. A significant contribution? Prof. Rayudu by writing this book in English has done a great service to the mankind who is suffering from deteriorating physical due to innumerable and incurable ailments. This book would be of immense value to those who are already leading a yogic life style as well as those modern young generation who are unaware and to make a beginning. A straightforward, precise to the point, no bull !! Manna from Heaven, Natural Elixir, nectar.CONTENTS CONTENTS Pedagogical Features of the book 7 1. Just a Minute 11 2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) 17 3. Know Your Body and Make It Healthy 19 4. Ancient and Historical Overview 25 5. We All Have Drunk Our Urine and Born 35 6. What is Piss 39 7. What is Urinopathy 41 8. Physical Characteristics of Human Urine 45 9. What are All Contained in Human Urine 47 10. Principles and Philosophy of Urinopathy 53 11. Top Ten Reasons to Urinopathy 57 12. Methods of Using Urine 59 13. Medicinal Secrets of Urine and How It Works 63 14. Quality and Taste 71 15. Is Human Urine Poisonous?No 73 16. Is Urine a Waste Product?No 75 17. Safety and Efficacy of Urinopathy 79 18. How Urine is Formed and Produced 83 19. Role of Kidneys?Nephrons and Urine Bladder 85 20. Urine Testing ? Urinalysis 89 21. Why Should You Drink Urine 91 22. Choosing Your Own Therapy 93 23. Urinopaths 99 24. Model of Care 101 25. Checklist Towards Auto-Urine 103 26. People are Shy 105 27. How Can You Overcome the Barriers to Drinking Your Own Urine 107 28. Science Validates Urinotherapy 109 29. Rise and Fall of Urinopathy Movement 117 30. A Note About Doubts on Urinopathy 121 31. Benefits Conferred by Shivambu 125 32. Urine is a Life Force 127 33. Urine?the Unknown Medicine 129 34. Urine Urea?A Natural Drug 135 35. A Traditional and a Nature Cure 137 36. Drink Mid-stream Urine 139 37. Drink Morning Urine 141 38. Preserved Urine 143 39. Urine the Mysterious Liquid 145 40. Mystic Power 147 41. Animals? Urine 149 42. What Conditions can Urinopathic Medicine Treat 151 43. When Can You Expect Result 157 44. Success Stories 159 45. Urine?A Doctor of Divinity 161 46. Urine-Your Personal Doctor 163 47. Curable Diseases 171 48. Cancer 185 49. AIDS/HIV Positive 201 50. Self-Therapy 215 51. Leading Personalities 219 52. The Urine and Immunity Connection 225 53. Describing About Urinopathic Medicine 229 54. Is Urine Therapy Really Essential Today 233 55. What The Future Holds For Urinopathy 237 56. Why The Therapy Not Popular 241 57. Exceptions 245 58. Urine?The Medicine For Physical Immortality 247 59. Body Mind Spirit Medicine 251 60. Mental Illness and Physical Disorders 263 61. Pranic Healing 281 62. Dangers of Drugs 299 63. Epilogue 321 Index 325