Interesting Exposures Of Administration Hardbound

Interesting Exposures Of Administration Hardbound

Mahesh Chandra Dewedy
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This is a book of memoirs of administrative experiences– particularly those which were a consequence of hypocrisy, haughtiness, ignorance and selfishness of the rulers, administrators as well as the public. The incidents have been described in satirical style in order to make them amusing to the reader. The bureaucrats, having been selected through open competition, are – saving the ‘honourable’ exceptions – more intelligent, and therefore, many of them indulge in greater hypocrisies than the common man does. And the politicians, who become Netas only after proving their superior intelligence in leading the herd, take the pride of the place among the most dexterous hypocrites. As the 21st century is advancing, the dishonest and dishonourable acts are being reinterpreted to preclude most of them from the ambit of dishonesty. Boundaries of honesty are being so stretched that dishonesty can be pursued without pinching one’s conscience ‘unnecessarily’. Further, the animal kingdom’s culture of big fish swallowing the small fish is being adopted by the powerful without any wrinkle on their face.