Textbook for MRCOG-1: Basic Sciences in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Textbook for MRCOG-1: Basic Sciences in Obstetrics and Gynaecology

Richa Saxena
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Contents: 1. Introduction. 2. Anatomy. 3. Physiology. 4. Biochemistry and Nutrition. 5. Pathology. 6. Microbiology. 7. Immunology. 8. Embryology. 9. Genetics. 10. Biophysics. 11. Epidemiology/statistics. 12. Endocrinology. 13. Pharmacology. 14. Clinical management: obstetrics. 15. Clinical management : Gynaecology. 16. Data interpretation. 17. Image-based questions. Index. Key Features: • Prepared for the aspirants of Part 1 MRCOG exam, UK. • In accordance with the RCOG core curriculum. • Divided into 17 chapters, covering the basic sciences relevant to obstetrics and gynaecology at a level suitable for doctors. • Clinical and laboratory aspects of various topics are illustrated in the form of Figures, Tables, Flowcharts, Boxes, Points-to-Remember, Single Best Answers, and Mnemonics. • SBAs are now compiled at the end of each topic along with references. • Two new chapters, such as Data Interpretation and Image-based Questions have been added. • New questions from the examinations over the past 2 years (including the July 2018 examination) have been incorporated in each of the chapters, making a total of 1,200 SBAs.