Jains in India: Historical Essays

Jains in India: Historical Essays

Surendra Gopal
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Jains have a long recorded history. While studying the history of India It is necessary to study the history of different Indian communities. Though small in number, Jains are very important in the economic and social life of the country. Jain history becomes more important when we find that the com-munity anticipated new commercial practices adopted by European trading countries from the sixteenth century onwards. It seems that while they gave up some of the traditions and practices in the country, their traditional social and cultural practices continued as before. Two Jain names stand out in history; they are veerji vora, in the seventeenth century and Jagat Seth of Bengal in the eighteenth century. A succession of Jagat seths interacted with high government officials and were very influential in their time as this volume brings out. This volume contributes significantly to the study of merchant communities and colonial history in South Asia.