A Survey and Analysis of Yoga: Education and Research (PhD) In India (Hardback)

A Survey and Analysis of Yoga: Education and Research (PhD) In India (Hardback)

Dr Sushim Dubey
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DETAILS ISBN: 9788124609835 Year Of Publication: 2020 Edition: 1st Pages : xv, 160 Bibliographic Details : 14 graphs; 8 tables Language : English Binding : Hardcover Publisher: D.K. Printworld Pvt. Ltd. Size: 25 Weight: 432 OVERVIEW A Survey and Analysis of Yoga Education and Research (PhD) in India is first of its kind. It includes major policies of World Health Organization (WHO), Ministry of Health, Govt. of India, UGC and NCERT on Yoga Education, Research and Practice. This work presents a well compiled collection of all PhD researches persuaded in the area of yoga in various Indian universities during the last ninety years. Alongside the presentation, a detailed analysis of interest, growth and shift from the literary aspect of yoga to the area of therapy has been observed. This trend definitely marks the maturity in the persuasion of yoga and demands further serious attention towards its standardization and regulation so that yoga may develop as a full-fledged system of Indian Traditional Medicine. In addition to the above, it aims to serve two basic purposes. One, to provide aid to a prospective researcher to refer to the already carried out researches in the area. This saves time, energy and money of a researcher and make him/her aware of the existing works so that he/she could forego further in the area. Conversely, it avoids duplication in research work. Two, to present an overview of the PhD research area, where neglected areas or over pursued areas may be observed and planning and support may be put in place. CONTENTS 1 Yoga Education & Research in India 2 Present scenario and requirements ix 3 Acknowledgement xiii 4 Introduction xv I. Yoga Policies: Education, Research and Practice 1 II. Yoga Courses in Indian Universities 11 III. Focal Areas in selection of Research 24 IV. Yoga – Ph.D. and Language of dissertation 30 V. Analysis of Increase in Ph.D.s during the Decades 33 VI. Yoga: Ph.D. Research in Various Areas 38 VII. Yoga: Number of Ph.D. Awards from Indian Universities 48 VIII. List of Yoga Ph.D. Awarded in Indian Universities 1920-2013 64