Citrus Fruits : Cultivation, Diseases and their Management (Hardback)

Citrus Fruits : Cultivation, Diseases and their Management (Hardback)

Kajal Kumar Biswas
2916 3600 (19% off)
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Citrus fruits rank first in the world with respect to production among fruits. They are grown commercially in more than 50 countries around the world. In addition to oranges, mandarins, limes, lemons, pummelos, and grapefruits, other citrus fruits such as kumquats, Calamondins, citrons, Natsudaidais, Hassakus, and many other hybrids are also commercially important. This book is the most comprehensive reference on citrus fruit biology, biotechnology and quality. Basic and applied scientific information is interwoven to serve the researcher, marketer, scientist, nutritionist, or dietician. With discussions of fruit morphology, anatomy, physiology and biochemistry and chapters on growth phases, maturity standards, grades and physical and mechanical characteristics of citrus trees, this book provides the foundation for understanding growth, harvest and post harvest aspects of these important plants. Insect-pests and diseases, irrigation, nutrition and rootstocks are also addressed. It is a valuable tool for the researchers, Inspection authorities and professional bodies responsible for the application of standards or interested in trade in citrus fruit.