Major Religious Traditions in India: An Introduction (Hardback)

Major Religious Traditions in India: An Introduction (Hardback)

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The book introduces and appreciates the history, beliefs and practices of the different religious traditions in India. Such knowledge would facilitate the readers to discern the positive role that could be played by religious communities. Religions thereby becomes active engaging with the characteristics of the modern era and creatively making religion real in our personal and community lives. Although the book is primarily proposed as a textbook for theological students, it should serve equally well for the increasing number of courses on ‘Religion’ being included in the curricula of Indian universities and beyond. Contents Preface 1. Methods into the Study of Religions 2. Primal and Dalit Religious Traditions 3. Hindu Religious Tradition 4. Buddhist Religious Tradition 5. Jain Religious Tradition 6. Islam Religious Tradition 7. Sikh Religious Tradition 8. Zoroastrian Religious Tradition Bibliography