Fluvial Geomorphology of the Panch Pargana Plain of Jharkhand (Hardback)

Fluvial Geomorphology of the Panch Pargana Plain of Jharkhand (Hardback)

Dr Surbhi Sahu
664 800 (17% off)
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This book deals with the study of Fluvial Geomorpholoy of the Panch Pargana Plain of Ranchi district in Jharkhand. This name has been used instead of lower Ranchi plateau by Prof. S.P. Chatterjee. This book gives basic ideas to understand about the Fluvial Geomorphology to the readers. This plain area is surrounded by Chotanagpur granites in three sides and a number of rivers drain over this region. The western portion. The height varies from 150 metres to 300 metres and the land slopes from west to east. The text covers discussion and analysis of river system, geomorphic processes, morphometric analysis, slope analysis, climate and climatogenetic geomorphology of the area. The book will be very much useful to the students of geography and geology. The engineers, policy makers and farmers will also be benefited from this text.