Pastoral Care and Counselling of Victims of Armed Conflict: A Study on War Trauma and Quality of Life

Pastoral Care and Counselling of Victims of Armed Conflict: A Study on War Trauma and Quality of Life

R Vanlaltluanga
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This book deals with Quality of Life among Victims of armed conflict (Rambuai) in Mizoram state of India during 1966-1986. Understanding responses and reactions of individuals and communities to traumatic events is an important element of effective Pastoral care and counselling. The author proposes Pastoral response to war trauma which is attentive to the physical, mental, and spiritual needs of the survivors by considering the unique experiences, beliefs, norms, values, traditions, customs, and language of the survivors. Contents Foreword Preface List of Tables List of Abbreviations List of Appendices Chapter 1: Introduction 1. Introduction 1.1. Basic Background 1.2. An Elaboration 1.3. Aims and Objectives of the Research Work 1.4. Hypotheses 1.5. Significance 1.6. Definition of Terms 1.7. Boundations and Scope 1.8. Methododology Chapter 2: Setting the Context: Armed Conflict in Mizoram 2. Introduction 2.1. Geographical Location 2.2. The People 2.3. A Brief Political Background of the Armed Conflict 2.4. Violent Uprising and Counter-Measure 2.5. Disturbing Experiences Suffered by the Civilians 2.6. Impact of the Armed Conflict in Mizoram 2.7. Conclusion Chapter 3: Theoretical Overview 3. Introduction 3.1. Quality of Life 3.2. Coping 3.3. Review of Related Research 3.4. Conclusion Chapter 4: Analysis and Interpretation 4. Introduction 4.1. Plan of Analysis 4.2. Break Up of Sample 4.3. Administration of the Tests 4.4. Result and Discussion 4.5. Relationship Between Armed Conflict and Quality of Life 4.6. Relationship Between Coping and Quality of Life 4.7. Relationship Between Age and Quality of Life 4.8. Relationship Between Gender and Quality of Life 4.9. Relationship Between Location of Residence and Quality of Life 4.10. Relationship Between Education and Quality of Life 4.11. Relationship Between Income and Quality of Life 4.12. Qualitative Inquiry into Quality of Life Among the Victims 4.13. Conclusion Chapter 5: Theories of Trauma Counselling 5. Introduction 5.1. Cognitive-Behavioural Therapy 5.2. Humanistic-Existential Therapies 5.3. Psychodynamic Approaches 5.4. Conclusion Chapter 6: Findings and Implications 6. Introduction 6.1. Findings of the Study 6.2. Implication for Pastoral Care and Counselling 6.3. Conclusion Chapter 7: Summary and Conclusion 7. Introduction 7.1. The Study in Retrospect 7.2. Suggestions for Further Research 7.3. Conclusion References Appendices