Conservation Agriculture: Approach and Application

Conservation Agriculture: Approach and Application

Sankar Kr Acharya, Sreemoyee Bera, Cornea Saha, Prabhat Kumar, Monirul Haque, Riti Chatterjee and Anwesha Mandal
1556 1995 (22% off)
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'Indian Agriculture is on cross road, the glory of green revolution is being mantled with smoke of pollution, depletion and erosion. It is undeniable that the green revolution of India has saved the nation from famines and disgrace, yet, the impact of green revolution has not been unmixed with a grand dividend only. The soil and water are increasingly contaminated with chemical and toxic materials detrimental to health and ecology, making investments of small and poor farmers non-remunerative, and, consequently, rural livelihoods are migrating from farm to non-farm economies at an exponential pace. Conservation agriculture across the globe is gaining much grounds and gravity due to its eco-friendly approaches. Minimum disruption of soil, permanent soil cover and crop diversification are the basics of conservation agriculture to make it adaptable and inevitable approaches to save Read more Table of Contents Preface v The Authors ix Part-I: Managing, Monitoring and Analyzing Agro-ecological Services: Conservation and Stewardship Approaches of the Farmers 1. Introduction 3 Rationale of the study Objectives of the Study Limitations of the Study 2. Theoretical Orientation 6 2.1. Conceptual Framework 2.2. A Framework for Understanding Change: Conservation and Stewardship 2.3. The 10 Elements of Agroecology 2.4. Ecological Resilience and Conservation Agriculture 2.5. Ecosystem Services and Conservation Agriculture 2.6. The Relationship Between Resilience and the Provision of Ecosystem Services 2.7. Soil conservation and Conservation Agriculture 2.8. Water Conservation and Conservation Agriculture 2.9. Biodiversity Conservation and Conservation Agriculture 2.10. Barriers to Conservation Agriculture - 2.11. Challenges in Conservation Agriculture 2.12. Stewardship, Ecology and Conservation Agriculture 2.13. Long Term Prediction in Ecology Study 2.14. Awareness, Knowledge and Action for the Restoration of Ecosystems 3. Review and Citations 43 3.1 Ecological Resilience and Conservation Agriculture 3.2 Ecosystem Services and Conservation Agriculture 3.3 Stewardship, Ecology and Conservation Agriculture 3.4 Erosion of Natural Resources and Issues of Ecological Resilience 3.5 Pollution & Erosion due to Modernization of Agriculture 3.6 Water Conservation and Conservation Agriculture 3.7. Soil Conservation and Conservation Agriculture 3.8 Biodiversity and Conservation Agriculture 3.9 Long Term Prediction in Ecological Study 3.10 Entrepreneurship and Conservation Agriculture 3.11 Barrier to Conservation Agriculture 3.12 Extraction of Groundwater and its Impact on Ecological Resilience 3.13 Soil Erosion and its Impact on Ecological viii | Conservation Agriculture: Approach and Application Resilience 3.14 Biodiversity and its Impact on Ecological Resilience 3.15 Awareness, Knowledge and Action for the Restoration of Ecosystems Methods and Approaches of Study 4.1 Locale of Research 4.2 Pilot Study 4.3 Sampling Design 4.5 Empirical Measurement of the Variables 4.6 Preparation of Interview Schedule 4.7 Pre Testing of Interview Schedule 4.8 Techniques of Field Data Collection 4.9 Statistical Tools used for Analysis of Data 4. Case Study and Hard Evidences 88 5. Summary and Conclusion 167 Bibliography 172 Part- II: Entrepreneurial Growth and Communication Behavior in Conservation Agriculture: The Role and Response of Farmer 7. Introduction 185 8. Theory & Concepts 191 8.1 Conceptual Framework 8.2 Sustainability Concerns and Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Agriculture 9. Review and Citations 196 10. Methods and Approaches of Study 204 10.1 Locale of Research 10.2 Sampling Design 10.3 Pilot Study 10.4 Preparation of Interview Schedule 10.5 Pre-testing of Schedule 10.6 The Technique of Field Data Collection 10.7 Attributes and their Measurement 10.8 Statistical Analysis and Interpretation of Data 11. Case Study and Hard Evidences 218 12. Summary and Conclusion 261 13. Future Scope of the Study 263 Bibliography 265 Index 274