Fundamental Aspects of Soil Fertility, Fertilizers and Plant Nutrient Management

Fundamental Aspects of Soil Fertility, Fertilizers and Plant Nutrient Management

Krishna Kumar Patel, Rajesh Samota, Rohit Pandey, Hari Shankar Singh and Kholu Mary
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CONTENTS: 1. An Introduction to Soil Fertility and Productivity, 2. History of Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition, Criteria of Essentiality and Classification of Plant Nutrients, 3. Forms of Nutrients in Soils and Mechanism of Nutrient Transport in Plants, 4. Functions of Nutrient in Plants, 5. Deficiency and Toxicity Symptoms of Essential Plant Nutrients, 6. Nitrogen - Introduction, Transformation, Movements of Nutrients in Soil, Factors affecting Nitrogen Availability, 7. Phosphorus Introduction, Transformation, Movements of Nutrient in Soil, Factors Affecting Phosphorus Availability, 8. Potassium Introduction, Transformation, Movements of Nutrient in Soil, Factors Affecting Potassium Availability, 9. Secondary Nutrients Introduction, Transformation, Movements of Nutrients in Soils, Factors Affecting Secondary Nutrients Availability, 10. Micro Nutrients Introduction, Transformation, Movements of Nutrients in Soils, Factors Affecting Micro Nutrients Availability, 11. Introduction and Importance of Organic Manures, 12. Properties and Method of Preparation of Bulky and Concentrated Manures, 13. Vermicomposting and Green Manures Classification, Advantage and Limitations of Green Manuring and Green Leaf Manuring, 14. Chemical Fertilizer: Classification and Composition, 15. Process Manufacturing and Properties, Classification, Fate and Reaction in Soils of Major Nitrogenous Fertilizers, 16. Manufacturing Process and Properties, Classification, Fate and Reaction in Soils of Major Phosphatic Fertilizers, 17. Manufacturing Process and Properties, Classification, Fate and Reaction in Soils of Major Potassic Fertilizers, 18. Biofertilizers- Classification & Use of Biofertilizers in Sustainable Agriculture and their Advantage, 19. Factors Affecting Nutrient Availability to Plants. 20, Integrated Nutrient Management.